Open letters

Open Letters

Open letter to signatories of the Bodrum Declaration

30 September 2020 An open letter addressed to the signatories of the UJN Pakistan Unity Declaration also known as The Bodrum Declaration, signed in October 2013: Sahibzada Muhammad Hamid Raza (Sunni Ittehad Council) Allama Ibtisam Elahi Zaheer (Jamiat Ahle Hadith Pakistan) Allama Syed Niaz Hussain

Open letter to JC

IHRC has complained about the Jewish Chronicle’s reporting on this year’s Al-Quds Day virtual event. By email 14 July 2020 Mr. Pollard, Complaint re article on or around 27 May 2020 in The Jewish Chronicle, ‘Government lawyer joined rally featuring call for removal of Jews


Open Letter to the JC

IHRC has written an open letter to The Jewish Chronicle to complain about their reporting of Genocide Memorial Day’s school resources.

Zakzaky: IHRC letter to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

[uploaded 9 December] Read IHRC Chair, Massoud Shadjareh’s letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michele Bachelet Jeria regarding the further persecution of Sheikh El-Zkakzay. Follow the campaign here. Fins the Press Kit here. Download the PDF of the letter here Read the

Letter to the European Commission

To the European Commission – Directorate of JusticeVěra Jourová, Commissioner on Justice, Consumers and Gender EqualityTommaso Chiamparino, EU Cooridnator on combating anti-Muslim hatred 12 March 2019 Re: Annual Al-Quds Day, London, UKIt has been reported in The Daily Telegraph regarding Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC)