Search Results for: zakzaky – Page 16

Update from Mohammed Ibraheem Zakzaky on his father

Issued 14 July 2019 Yesterday Saturday July 13th 2019, all of the members our Family with whom I said the “Authorities” discussed arrived in Kaduna to meet with my father and my mother. Sadly due to miscommunication, only I and a legal representative were allowed

Pro-Zakzaky supporters to hold London sit-in for “dying” sheikh

PRESS RELEASE Supporters of the illegally detained leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Ibrahim el-Zakzaky are to start a three-day sit-in in London tonight as they ramp up the campaign for the beleaugered sheikh to receive urgently needed life-saving medical treatment. The protest is

Pro-Zakzaky supporters to hold London sit-in for “dying” sheikh

PRESS RELEASE Supporters of the illegally detained leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Ibrahim el-Zakzaky are to start a three-day sit-in in London tonight as they ramp up the campaign for the beleaugered sheikh to receive urgently needed life-saving medical treatment. The protest is