Search Results for: zakzaky – Page 2


Zakzakys fight for return of passports

PRESS RELEASE – Nigerian security forces will answer in the Federal High Court tomorrow why they are not returning the passports of the recently freed leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky and his wife Mallimah Zeenah. Since the pair were released

Key decision expected in Zakzaky case

PRESS RELEASE – A ruling is expected on 28 July in the latest bid to throw out the case against the unlawfully imprisoned leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky and his wife, Mallima Zeenah. Lawyers who appeared in court for the

Key decision expected in Zakzaky case

PRESS RELEASE – A ruling is expected on 28 July in the latest bid to throw out the case against the unlawfully imprisoned leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky and his wife, Mallima Zeenah. Lawyers who appeared in court for the

#FreeZakzaky Court Update

For further information go to: Key decision expected in Zakzaky case – IHRC PRESS RELEASE: Nigeria – Calls to Release Zakzaky, Zeenah from Senior Figures and Lawyers worldwide – IHRC Alert: Write to your Foreign Minister to put pressure on the Nigerian authorities – IHRC

Murderous police attacks continue ahead of Zakzakys’ trial

Violence aimed at quelling protests aimed at the release of Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky and his wife Mallima Zeenah is continuing in Nigeria ahead of the couple’s scheduled appearance in court tomorrow. At least one person, Muhsin Jafar, was killed in the capital yesterday when police