Search Results for: zakzaky – Page 9

UN urged to intervene in Zakzaky case on Human Rights Day

PRESS RELEASE – NIGERIA IHRC has written to the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights urging her to intervene in the case of the beleaguered leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Sheikh Ibraheem El-Zakzaky and his wife Zeenah al-Zakzaky. The plea comes on

Mohammad Zakzaky statement

[9 December 2019]Statement from Mohammad El-Zakzaky, son of Sheikh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky and Mallima Zeena. To campaign for justice for the Sheikh and Mallima and ongoing issues in Nigeria, please visit and bookmark the campaign page here. Mohammad Zakzaky’s statement: I am writing to protest in

Zakzaky: IHRC letter to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

[uploaded 9 December] Read IHRC Chair, Massoud Shadjareh’s letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michele Bachelet Jeria regarding the further persecution of Sheikh El-Zkakzay. Follow the campaign here. Fins the Press Kit here. Download the PDF of the letter here Read the

Zakzaky prison transfer orders amount to “death sentence”

PRESS RELEASE IHRC condemns the decision of the Kaduna state high court ordering the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky and his wife to be transferred from the custody of the internal security services (DSS) to a prison in the state.

Zakzaky prison transfer orders amount to “death sentence”

PRESS RELEASE IHRC condemns the decision of the Kaduna state high court ordering the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky and his wife to be transferred from the custody of the internal security services (DSS) to a prison in the state.

Funtua Declaration Speech by Shaikh Ibraheem Zakzaky

Delivered by Sheikh Ibraheem El-Zakzaky on 5/5/1980. In the name of Allah the destroyer of the oppressors, Dear Brothers and Sisters! Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah. A hadith narrated from Sayyidina Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) said, “Oh You people, surely the Messenger of Allah said;

ALERT – NIGERIA: Demand the release of Sheikh Zakzaky and all those detained

The Free Zakzaky campaign asks campaigners to continue demanding that the Nigerian authorities release Sheikh El-Zakzaky, Mallima Zeenah and all those detained during and since the Zaria massacre of 2015 from the Islamic Movement. Background Requested Action Model email Recipient addresses Background The Free Zakzaky