Islamic Human Rights Commission
PRESS RELEASE: IHRC expresses anger at Baghdad market massacre and conveys its condolences and deepest sympathises to the families of these latest victims
26 March 2003
Smart bombs or stupid bombs, the litany of civilian deaths inflicted by American and British bombings continues to mount. The civilian death toll in Basra and in other parts of Iraq is testimony to this glaring fact.
The latest atrocity in Baghdad is not the first in this profoundly unpopular war campaign, nor will it be the last. With fourteen civilians dead and over 30 injured one can only speculate at the purpose of this latest debacle. Was the Baghdad market massacre punishment against the people of Baghdad for their intransigence in refusing to bow to American and British aggression against this historical city? As the BBC correspondent in Baghdad, Andrew Gilligan, noted the nearest military buildings are at least a quarter of a mile away from the market. One must question the veracity of American and British claims that they are waging a hi-tech, non-discriminate war. Today’s bloody massacre refutes this hyperbolic claim and casts grave doubts on other American and British claims about Iraq and their post-war intentions. So far this campaign has seen numerous incidences of American and British incompetence. American bombs have struck civilian targets in Iran and Turkey.
IHRC condemns today’s atrocity and conveys its condolences and deepest sympathises to the families of these latest innocent victims. IHRC also expresses its concern that similar civilian massacres by American and British forces are going unreported, if not completely ignored. IHRC also calls for an immediate and unconditional cessation to all American and British hostilities against Iraq.
IHRC Chairman Massoud Shadjareh stated:
“This latest bungle will only harden international opinion against America’s and Britain’s illegal war against Iraq and serve to inflame already heightened Arab passions. Furthermore, today’s regrettable incident can only stiffen the resolve of the Iraqi people in their defiance of American and British aggression”.
Latest IHRC press releases on Iraq war:
PRESS RELEASE: IHRC records increase in harassment as war on Iraq progresses, visit:
PRESS RELEASE: First Day of Iraq War Exposes Further Hypocrisy, visit:
PRESS RELEASE: IHRC issues precautionary advice for UK Muslims on eve of war on Iraq, visit:
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