PRESS RELEASE: Protesters killed in Egypt demonstrations – IHRC’s exclusive report from Egypt protests

PRESS RELEASE: Protesters killed in Egypt demonstrations – IHRC’s exclusive report from Egypt protests

IHRC is shocked at the reported treatment of pro-Morsi demonstrators that have been protesting against the military coup. This is especially concerning that it is taking place in the Holy Month of Ramadhan, a month that is traditionally marked out for its mercy and charity.

IHRC has spoken to activists on the ground that claim the authorities are targeting protestors. Our sources also reported that women had been shot and killed, the youngest of whom was 13-years-old.

This escalation in violence being used is reminiscent of Mubarak’s era. To allow standards to drop to such a low level after the revolution is a step backwards. It is outrageous that the violence is being used by those who claim that they have taken power on behalf of the people.

IHRC calls on the Egyptian regime to protect all Egyptians and not to use violent means against any section of society. The regime must also ensure that it is not partisan but must be inclusive and fair in the manner in which it deals with citizens.

IHRC is also concerned that Egypt’s Army Chief al-Sisi has called for nationwide protesters to help him confront, what he calls ‘violence and terrorism’. IHRC feels that this signifies possible bloodshed on the streets of Egypt on Friday.

Chair of IHRC, Massoud Shadjareh said, “The USA must shoulder the blame in what is taking place in Egypt currently. The largest donor of military aid is the US, the Egyptian military would not be able to function as it does without the support of the US. It is time for the US to stop its hypocrisy on Egypt and speak out against the military coup.”

Notes to editors

1. For media enquiries please email or call 020 8904 4222
2. You can hear IHRC’s exclusive interview with Egyptian activist Sara Omer here 

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