Islamic Human Rights Commission
11 May 2010
PRESS RELEASE: Turkey / Israeli accession to OECD – IHRC Delegation meets Turkish Prime Minister
The delegation of European Muslim dignitaries campaigning for Turkey to veto Israel’s accession to the OECD as well as discussing wider issues concerning the plight of Palestinians, met with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Monday 10 May in Istanbul.
The delegation’s trip was delayed as a result of the volcanic ash cloud over Europe in April. The trip was the culmination of IHRC’s campaign which saw thousands of campaigners’ world-wide write to the Turkish PM demanding Turkey veto Israel’s accession to the OECD. The accession process however has proceeded in May, with a Turkish led statement from members criticizing inter alia Israel’s human rights record, the continued presence and expansion of settlement.
IHRC Chair and head of the delegation Massoud Shadjareh said:
“The delegation had hoped that Turkey would make a brave and unilateral stance of vetoing Israel’s accession to OECD. Nevertheless unlike other states Turkey highlighted the responsibilities of Israel on the issues of human rights, the siege of Gaza, disfiguration of Jerusalem/al-Quds and concern over the ongoing illegal occupation and settlements as against the stated standards and principles of OECD”
IHRC head of campaigns, Seyfeddin Kara said:
“We are of course disappointed that the OECD member states did not take the difficult but just stance of vetoing Israel’s accession. Nevertheless we note that the statement led by Turkey at the OECD highlighting Israel’s human rights violations is in someway an acknowledgement of the campaign.”
Delegation member Said Ferjani from Muslim Association of Britain said:
“We can only hope that the people of Palestine know that world-wide ordinary people love and support them, and their involvement in this campaign has been a testimony to that.”
The delegation continues in its meetings with government officials this week, and will continue to make the case for a more pro-active strategy for justice for Palestinians on the international stage.
Details of all delegation members can be found at:
IHRC Delegation meets Turkish Prime Minister
For further comment and information please call +905442311645 or +44 7958 522196 or +447947127974 .
Notes for editors:
[1] The campaign alert ‘URGENT ALERT: Palestine– Write to the Turkish PM Erdogan to veto Israel’s accession to the OECD ‘
[2] A copy of the report “Ascension of Israel to the Organization: Draft Formal Opinions of the Committee on Statistics” can be found at the Electronic Intifada site at:(LINK) [ENDS]
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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 11 May 2010 20:52 )