Charity Commission refuses to reverse decision to sanction London mosque

The Charity watchdog in England and Wales has come under renewed fire from supporters of a London mosque it has sanctioned.
Friends of the Islamic Centre (FIC) had written to the Charity Commission on 6 July protesting the regulator’s imposition of an interim manager at the Islamic Centre of England in Maida Vale saying it was draconian, unnecessary and violated the Islamic prescription for mosques to be run by practising Muslims. The Islamic Centre has lodged a legal appeal against the move.
The Charity Commission responded to FIC, reiterating its rationale for the move which it says is to protect the beneficiaries from mismanagement and refusing to discuss the matter further since it is subject to litigation.
Now the Friends of Islamic Centre have written back to the Commission accusing it of acting as a “Ministry of Religion” and trying to limit the lawful activities undertaken at the Islamic Centre.
In the letter FIC charges the Commission with ignoring the fundamental Islamic principle, mentioned in the Holy Quran, that only practising Muslims should be allowed to maintain mosques. FIC also castigates the watchdog for imposing conditions on mosques that are outside its powers as part of a wider official effort to “socially engineer a new form of Islam” by penalising mosques for political statements or activities on their premises.
FIC’s letter further accuses the Commission of discrimination in subjecting only Islamic faith organisations to restrictions while not curtailing spaces for discussion of social, political, moral and economic issues in temples, churches and synagogues.
IHRC is supporting the Islamic Centre of England in its campaign to have the appointment of interim manager overturned. In the light of numerous reports we have received of mosques being harassed and bullied by the Commission we have launched a “Save Our Mosques” campaign to push back against the Commission’s undue interference which is motivated by Islamophobes and political opponents rather than genuine management concerns.
All the correspondence between FIC and the Charity Commission to date can be read here.
IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
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