Forwarded Press Release : ASEAN Freedoom Flotilla to Liberate Rohingya to be Launched
Rohingya freedom flotilla to set sail for Myanmar
Rohingya freedom flotilla to set sail for Myanmar
World must reject Bahrain’s application.
The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) successfully ended its campaign marking world refugee day.
The Islamic Human Rights Commission condemns fascist statement made by Swiss Party member on Twitter
It is deplorable that a Muslim mother wishing to attend her 18-year-old son’s parents evening was turned away at the lobby of a Manchester College for wearing the niqab.
Joint press statement
The latest figures show that Black and Asian people are disproportionately stopped and searched compared to their white counterparts.
Professional footballer and Palestine national player, Mahmoud Sarsak, has been on hunger strike in an Israeli prison for 89 days and is near death.
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