BREAKING NEWS / PRESS RELEASE: Saudi Arabia – Saudi forces target 13 year old child with live ammunition and arrest
IHRC’s full account of a despicable attack by Saudi forces targeting children in Qatif.
IHRC’s full account of a despicable attack by Saudi forces targeting children in Qatif.
IHRC concerned over reports of the systematic targeting of motorcyclists in Qatif by Saudi security forces.
IHRC concerned over reports of circumstances of Gaddafi’s death.
IHRC publishes its latest briefing on the continued discriminatory use of Schedule 7 by the UK Home Office.
تقرير صحفي: السعودية – إصدار جديد من اللجنة الإسلامية لحقوق الإنسان بعنوان “السجناء السياسيون في السعودية: نحو عقد ثالث من الصمت” منشور الآن ومتاح للتنزيل.
IHRC’s response to Prime Minister David Cameron’s speech on Immigration.
New IHRC publication ‘Saudi Arabia’s Political Prisoners: Towards a Third Decade of Silence’ now available.
IHRC is appalled at the guilty verdicts in the Irvine 11 case, where 11 students were convicted of disrupting a speech given by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren in March 2010 at UC Irvine.
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