FORWARDED PRESS RELEASE: France – Debate on National Identity in France: political leaders sow disorder
The Young French Muslim highlights their indignation following the words of Ms. Nadine Morano.
The Young French Muslim highlights their indignation following the words of Ms. Nadine Morano.
A member of the German Central Bank Committee, formerly Berlin Finance Senator, Thilo Sarrazin has called for a headscarf ban in Germany.
President Obama accepts Nobel Peace Prize.
IHRC feels that the conflation of terrorism with Islam popularized by mainstream politicians and the mainstream media has created fertile breeding ground for anti-Muslim sentiment.
IHRC has provided an extensive report to highlight how the prevent strategy demonises the Muslim Community.
Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) condemns the recent raids on the offices of der Islamischen Gemeinschaft Milli Gorus (IGMG) in Germany.
IHRC is deeply concerned regarding other political responses to the Swiss referendum on banning minarets.
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