PRESS RELEASE: UK – Attack on IFE indicative of the witch-hunt against Muslim civil society participation
“The attack on IFE is indicative of the witch-hunt against Muslim civil society participation.”
“The attack on IFE is indicative of the witch-hunt against Muslim civil society participation.”
We are concerned that such heavy sentencing, the subsequent confiscation of passports and other intimidatory measures are an attempt to deter protesting.
Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) and Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) condemn the decision by the Home Minister to extradite the nine Internal Security Act (ISA) detainees to their countries without any explanation to their family members and people of Malaysia.
An exclusive event launching IHRC’s latest report entitled “Europe’s Shame: Anti-Muslim Hatred and the Roma of Bulgaria”.
IHRC is deeply concerned by the satellite operator Arabsat’s removal of Al-Alam TV channel from its services.
Report provides witness accounts and photographs of police harassment, intimidation and brutality.
An event hosted by the Islamic Human Rights Commission marking the launch of its latest report on the Muslim-Christian Roma Minorities of Bulgaria.
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