Forwarded Press Release: Aafia Siddiqui claims she was held by the US in Bagram for years
Cageprisoners has received new information that Aafia Siddiqui was held for years in Bagram Airbase.
Cageprisoners has received new information that Aafia Siddiqui was held for years in Bagram Airbase.
IHRC is concerned by the conviction and sentencing of three men found guilty of possessing or making documents connected with terrorism
The Islamic Human Rights Commission expresses alarm concerning the media’s handling of reports involving Uyghurs in China.
Radovan Karadzic, war criminal leader of the self proclaimed ‘Republika Srpska’ in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been arrested in Serbia after thirteen years on the run.
IHRC remembers Srebrenica massacre on 13 year anniversary, welcomes current civil action against the Dutch State by relatives of victims.
IHRC welcomes Aamer Anwar being cleared of the contempt charge he faced.
IHRC is appalled at the extradition of Kareem Ibrahiim, Abdul Kadir and Abdel Nur.
IHRC expresses concern over the upcoming attempt to expedite the extradition of 3 JFK terror plot suspects to the US.
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