Press Release: France: Concerns Regarding the Violation of CEDAW– Report On-Line Now
IHRC’s overall recommendation is to repeal the 15 March 2004 Act and other such laws and policies.
IHRC’s overall recommendation is to repeal the 15 March 2004 Act and other such laws and policies.
Detained human rights activists in Bahrain can face up to 32 years in prison
Another look at the injustice and suppression of China’s Muslim minority, but also media representation of the issue.
IHRC’s latest briefing is a review of the current humanitarian crisis affecting the indigenous people of Darfur
The Rabbis of Neturei Karta USA and UK presented the organisation a commemorative commending IHRCfor its human rights work.
Speakers:(Include) Imam Achmad Cassiem, Moazzem Beg, Rabbi Yisroel Weiss, Rabbi Ahron Cohen, Dr. Abdul Bari, Yvonne Ridley, Imam Mohammed Al-Asi, Professor Saied Reza Ameli.
IHRC is concerned about the statement made by the head of MI5 “There are at least 2,000 people in the UK who pose a threat to national security because of their support for terrorism”.
Islamic Human Rights Commission welcomes the guilty verdict in the De Menezes case
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