Press Release: IHRC statement in response to Andy Hayman’s Comments
In response to Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Andy Hayman’s
comments today, IHRC Chair Massoud Shadjareh stated:
In response to Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Andy Hayman’s
comments today, IHRC Chair Massoud Shadjareh stated:
The Islamic Human Rights Commission is deeply concerned about the ramifications of today’s High Court decision to extradite British citizens Babar Ahmad and Harun Rashid Aswat to the US.
In response to the news that British Airways has banned one of its employees, Nadia Eweida, from wearing a cross openly at work, IHRC Chair Massoud Shadjareh states:
The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) welcomes reports today that Mirza Tahir Hussain’s death sentence has been commuted to a life sentence. IHRC however urges that Mirza is now immediately released and returned to Britain.
The Islamic Human Rights Commission is deeply concerned by the government’s abject refusal to accept that its policies are largely contributing to the rise of terrorism.
Unprecedented number of Muslim and Non Muslim civil society organizations are supporting the Al Quds Day rally and will be marching in protest of the millions oppressed worldwide.
IHRC hails the decision of the tribunal that acknowledged Aisha Azmi was victimised.
IHRC is deeply concerned by comments made by Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly today to Muslim organisations.
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