Press Release: Israeli authorities attempting to provoke Cycle of Violence
(IHRC) condemns the repeated acts of aggression against the Palestinian people
(IHRC) condemns the repeated acts of aggression against the Palestinian people
IHRC welcomes the report by chief inspector of prisons Anne Owers revealing the depth of Islamophobia within Belmarsh prison.
The Islamic Human Rights Commission is launching a campaign against Arsenal FC’s support of the racist apartheid state of Israel.
IHRC is shocked at the decision of the Adjudication Panel of England to suspend Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone for four weeks.
Thursday 23rd February 2006
Remembrance Service at Yalta Memorial, South Kensington, London SW7 2SL
Location: Yalta Memorial, Cromwell Gardens, South Kensington, London SW7
2SL Nearest tube: South Kensington, Time: 12 – 1.15pm
The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) condemns absolutely today’s bombing of the al-Askari shrine in Iraq and all sectarian violence in Iraq.
The biggest Muslim march against the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) will also ask for an endorsement of a document calling for ‘global civility’ and changes to the press complaints commission’s code of conduct.
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