Press Release: Tribunal Commends Police Brutality Against Muslims
IHRC appalled by latest injustice against Babar Ahmad
IHRC appalled by latest injustice against Babar Ahmad
IHRC welcomes the Home Affairs Select Committee report on ‘Terrorism and Community Relations’. However, IHRC disappointed with certain findings of the Committee.
IHRC examines the appalling treatment of Chechen refugees in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Poland.
The Islamic Human Rights Commission welcomes the decision by the Appeal court earlier today to uphold the right of British student Shabina Begum to wear the Jilbab to school.
IHRC condemns in the strongest terms the dangerous comments made by Home Office minister Hazel Blears that Muslims should be ready to be disproportionately targeted by anti-terror laws.
IHRC condemns Home Secretary Charles Clarke’s latest anti-terrorism proposals as a mockery of the Law Lords judgment that detention without trial was unlawful.
IHRC condemns in the strongest terms the abuse and torture of Iraqi prisoners by British occupation troops.
IHRC is deeply worried but not surprised at the steady increase in racially motivated and religiously aggravated crimes, as reported in figures released by the Crown Prosecution Service today.
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