Press Release: IHRC condemns killing of Kenneth Bigley
IHRC is appalled at the killing of British hostage Kenneth Bigley in Iraq.
IHRC is appalled at the killing of British hostage Kenneth Bigley in Iraq.
Violence and discrimination the legacy for British Muslims
IHRC’s latest briefing looks at Australia’s latest anti-terror discussion generated by the government’s white paper: ‘Transnational Terrorism: the threat to Australia’.
Report now available on-line: Bringing Israel to Account – The Role of International Law
IHRC condemns in the strongest manner the re-arrest today of Babar Ahmed by the Metropolitan Police Service at the request of the US government.
IHRC calls for the official banning of the racist and Islamophobic British National Party
IHRC concerned at effect new proposed Incitement against Religious Hatred law may have on Ethnic and Minority Faith Communities
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