PRESS RELEASE: UK – Mossad given free hand, civil liberties destroyed
IHRC is deeply alarmed at the recent announcement that the Israeli secret service, Mossad, is to expand its operations against the Muslim community in the UK.
IHRC is deeply alarmed at the recent announcement that the Israeli secret service, Mossad, is to expand its operations against the Muslim community in the UK.
IHRC is concerned at recent media hype and resultant Islamophobia that surrounds the possible involvement of two British Muslims in Wednesday’s Tel Aviv bombing.
IHRC condemns Monday night’s killing of 13 civilians by US occupying forces in the town of Falluja, Iraq.
IHRC is deeply concerned at the latest inconsistent application of the definition of terrorism used by the US and its allies.
IHRC expresses extreme concern as anti-Muslim incidents spiral out of control.
IHRC is greatly concerned at the increase in racist language used in media reporting. Media reporting is being used as a propaganda tool in influencing public opinion.
Briefing provides legal background, the status of POWs and concerns regarding their treatment, and issues relating to post-war justice.
IHRC notes today’s Blair-Bush talks in Belfast over postwar Iraq and the finalisation of the Middle East road map raises serious concerns.
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