PRESS RELEASE – UK: Nominees announced for Islamophobia Awards 2018
Winners will be highlighted during the spoof awards ceremony which will be taking place on Sunday, 11 November 2018
Winners will be highlighted during the spoof awards ceremony which will be taking place on Sunday, 11 November 2018
IHRC is urging the Conservative government not to go ahead with reported plans to proscribe the political wing of the Lebanese party Hizbullah
The CIK will be launched on Wednesday 26 September 2018 at the European Parliament
Ground breaking project provides an actionable Counter-Islamophobia Toolkit aimed at combatting the numerous facets of growing Islamophobia across the EU
At least one person has been shot in the leg after police opened fire on a large procession marking the day of Ashura
IHRC is calling on the police to do more to protect Muslims from Islamophobic attacks outside their places of worship
Shaykh Salman al-Awdah was placed under solitary confinement and is being held without charge or trial
CAA seems intent on pursuing a case that clearly has no merit in law
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