PRESS RELEASE – UK: Rising anti-semitism and rising Islamophobia are intimately connected
In our view the authoring and publication of such vile anti-Semitic tropes is a product of the increasingly racist and Islamophobic times in which we live
In our view the authoring and publication of such vile anti-Semitic tropes is a product of the increasingly racist and Islamophobic times in which we live
Our legal department, IHRC Legal, has seen many individuals drop their claims because they were worried about fees and other costs
The violent turn has included attacks on demonstrations, demolition and confiscation of IMN properties
Zionist media has continued trying to demonise the demonstration even after the event
The ruling is the latest in a series by the ECtHR to effectively legalise Islamophobia
This month Bosnians and others all over the world will hold events commemorating the 22nd anniversary of the genocide
“In the view of many, this would have been immediately deemed a “terror attack” if the perpetrator had been a Muslim attacking non-Muslims.”
Today’s verdict that the Saudi-led coalition has not deliberately targeted civilians flies in the face of a growing body of evidence that Riyadh is routinely violating international law
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