PRESS RELEASE – Nigeria: Authorities fiddle in Zakzaky affair while Rome burns
The detention of Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife has descended into the theatre of the absurd
The detention of Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife has descended into the theatre of the absurd
Panel discussions brought together experts, academics, civil society organisations, EU institutions and European Muslim human rights activists
Within 30 minutes of the procession starting, soldiers flanked by police fired tear gas grenades into the crowds
The event in Geneva forms part of a Europe-wide launch of the report
Decolonial International Network calls upon Chancellor Dirks to undo the suspension and return to the tradition of academic debate that Berkeley has been famous for.
The military attack between December 12-14 in the northern Nigerian city of Zaria left more than 1000 people dead
The launch is set to take place at the European Parliament in Brussels on 27 September
A draft report by the cross party Committee on Arms Exports Control leaked to the press yesterday said it was likely British weapons had been used to violate international law
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