Press release – UK: IHRC Legal Fund secures first anti-Muslim discrimination victory
IHRC Legal was able to secure a substantial five figure settlement
IHRC Legal was able to secure a substantial five figure settlement
Muslim organisations fail in a legal challenge against a controversial anti-terrorism power
De Menezes was killed in an execution-style shooting at a London Tube station by police
IHRC is deeply concerned by the growing focus on non-violent extremism as an incubator of violent extremism
The fund is the first of its kind to be set up by a Muslim charity in the UK
The massive turnouts showed that continuing occupation of Palestine remains an ethical and political priority
‘Forgotten Genocide’ to be released on 13 July 2015
The continuing plight of the Palestinians will be remembered in London this Friday with thousands expected to gather to mark the annual Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day.
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