Press release – Yemen: Human rights campaigners call on UN to seek end to Yemen bombing
IHRC have co-signed a letter addressed to the UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon regarding the situation in Yemen
IHRC have co-signed a letter addressed to the UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon regarding the situation in Yemen
It is shocking to see the head of community engagement for the Metropolitan police effectively criminalise legitimate religious and political views
IHRC appalled at questionnaire
Forwarded press release from Citizens International on the Malaysian troops on Saudi Arabia
Forwarded press release from Citizens International condemning President Mohamed Morsi’s death sentence
Since July 2014 there have been at least four incidents in which Nigerian armed forces or people linked with them have attacked the Islamic Movement
In the letter addressed to Labour, Lib-Dems, Green and SNP MPs, IHRC expresses its “deep alarm” over the proposals
The legislation seeks powers to close down groups and premises (including mosques) found to be propagating or promoting so-called extremist values
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