Press release: French Senate buried its proposal law against Muslim nannies But, for how long?

[CCIF, 7, December 2011, En savoir plus en français] According to AFP, the French Senate buried the proposal law, which looked to deny the access of Muslim nannies to all children’s organisation. This proposed law strengthens the Islamphobic positions of some members of right and extreme right parties.
If the burial of the law is confirmed, it will be a victory of secularism over intolerance. It could clean the Senate of the affront that would have been made to pass a law so unjust; this prestigious institution will gain respectability
We wish to warmly congratulate the citizens on their mobilization. It’s an unprecedented mobilization for its major scale, passion and diversity of its actors.
We felt that people are resolved because they are convinced about the rightness of their battle.
This is the path we have to follow in our future fights for justice: solidarity and determination have not been empty words. And it won’t be anymore. Once again thank you all.
But we must also remain vigilant and not lower our guard. It could be an opportunity for a relaunch of sterile debates, which stigmatize the Muslims of our country.
This is the reason why we will keep you informed about the next steps that we would like to follow in this case.
Forwarded by IHRC solely for informational purposes, please contact source website for more information.[ENDS]
Source: http://www.islamophobie.net
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IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
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