PRESS RELEASE: Germany – Former senator calls for headscarf ban in anti-Muslim tirade

Islamic Human Rights Commission
15 December 09
PRESS RELEASE: Germany – Former senator calls for headscarf ban in anti-Muslim tirade
A member of the German Central Bank Committee, formerly Berlin Finance Senator, Thilo Sarrazin has called for a headscarf ban in Germany.
Islamic Human Rights Commission notes that this is the latest example in the severe anti-Muslim sentiment that has affected Europe. The Marwa Sherbini murder in Germany and the case of a medical student, who was severely beaten by a gang of racist thugs outside a German University on November 30 for wearing the headscarf, illustrate the consequences of a climate of hate generated by mainstream politicians and the media.
Calling for the headscarf ban seems to be a way for Europe to assert its hostility to Muslims. The call for the ban and Thilo Sarrazin’s previous statements of hate indicate that the marginalisation and discriminatory practices towards the Muslim community are no more confined to the far right but have become part of mainstream discourse.
IHRC Chair Massoud Shadjareh states:
“The precursor to the brutal violence against minorities perpetrated by Europe was the thorough dehumanising of a people. If Europe is serious about ‘never again’ it needs to be aware that the thorough dehumanising and demonising of Muslims will lead to far worse consequences than it has already.”
For more information please contact the Press Office on (+44) 20 8904 4222 or (+44)7958522196, email: info@ihrc.org.[ENDS]
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IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
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