PRESS RELEASE: NIGERIA – One reporter, one mourner killed by police, others injured as police open fire in Kaduna on Ashura procession

Second press release
Updated 16.41 to include details of a second fatality.
Chair of IHRC, Massoud Shadjareh said:
“News of the killing of a reporter for Kaduna press, Bashir, by police in Kaduna is shocking but sadly unsurprising news.
“The use of live ammunition against peaceful protestors and this case mourners taking part in a religious ceremony, are part of the Nigerian landscape under Buhari. We demand the Nigerian authorities cease their attacks, and begin an immediate process of restitution.”
*A teenage mourner, Mohammed Baqer was also reportedly killed.
For details of the attack on the Zaria event earlier, see today’s previous press release here. Further information and background can be found in the notes to editors below.
For more information or comment call the press office on +447958522196 or email media[at]ihrc.org[ENDS].
Notes to editors:
* Information added at 16.41
- For the latest submission to the ICC on the Zaria Massacres of 2015 visit here.
- For background on the confessional and political background of the Islamic Movement visit here.
- To see the full Free Zakzaky press kit visit here.
- A picture of the reporter is appended below.
- A video reportedly showing the Kaduna procession also follows (added 17.30)[ENDS]

IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
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