PRESS RELEASE: Stop and Search figures show that Black and Asian people disproportionately targeted

The research from the Equality and Human rights Commission (EHRC) shows that the injustice of stop and search has continued without an end in sight. The figures show that police forces are 28 times more likely to stop Black people than white people.
Chair of IHRC, Massoud Shadjareh said, “the injustice continues and there is no justification for it. Black and Asian people do not commit more crime and the latest figures show inherent racist perceptions within the police in carrying out their duties.” Massoud Shadjareh also spoke the effect on communities saying “it alienates people and can only lead to providing a discriminatory service to Black and Asian people.[ENDS]
Notes to editors:
[1] For interviews please email media@ihrc.org or call 020 8904 4222
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