Press release – UK/Bosnia: Premier of film commemorating genocide in Bosnia – 15 September

Date: Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Time: 7pm
Venue: Rich Mix Cultural Foundation, 35-47 Bethnal Green Rd, London E1 6LA
The IHRC-produced film is set to premier on Tuesday, 15 September at Rich Mix. The screening of ‘Forgotten Genocide’ – directed by Assed Baig – will be accompanied by a discussion panel, poetry readings from actress Alia Rebecca Butt and spoken word poet Hodan Yusuf and more.
Laying bare truths long left unspoken, ‘Forgotten Genocide’ is a moving and informative documentary that uses archival footage of the war to illustrate the oft-forgotten years of the early to mid ’90s when countless Bosnian lives were lost, women were raped and children were sent to concentration camps. Complete with personal accounts from survivors, the testimonies of prisoners and interviews with the likes of Murat Tahirovic – president of the Association of Witnesses and Victims of Genocide – a compelling but devastating picture is painted.
The film traces the beginnings of the war from the collapse of former Yugoslavia and follows the intentioned killing of civilians and pillaging of land using expert testimony to argue that the entirety of the war constitutes genocide. Director Assed Baig describes it as ‘an important opportunity to remember and recognise a truly tragic history that has never been paid its due respect.’
‘Forgotten Genocide’ will tour across the country after the premier at Rich Mix. The tour kicks off on 18 September at the Islamic Centre of England – continuing from October with screenings in Birmingham, Southampton, Glasgow and other locations to be announced.
Notes to editors:
Press wanting to cover the premier at Rich Mix should contact nadia@ihrc.org or call 020 8904 4222 – please make clear if you need space for a fixed camera
Please contact research@ihrc.org for information relating to the ‘Forgotten Genocide’ tour
Director: Assed Baig
Assistant producer: Selma Fisekovic
Translator: Amra Suljic
Camera: Darrell Williams and Turab Shah
Editor: Dhruv Shah
Graphics: Ibrahim Sadikovic
Researcher: Thania Uddin
Narrator: Henrietta Meire
Archive Footage: Hayat TV, Radio televizija Tuzlanskog kantona.
Producer: Arzu Merali
IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
Islamic Human Rights Commission
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United Kingdom
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Email: info@ihrc.org
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