PRESS RELEASE: UK – Launch of IHRC Bookshop, Gallery and Information Hub in Wembley, North West London, 1 December 2010

Islamic Human Rights Commission
29 November 2010
PRESS RELEASE: UK – Launch of IHRC Bookshop, Gallery and Information Hub in Wembley, North West London, 1 December 2010
Event:Â Formal inauguration of IHRC Bookshop, Gallery and Information Hub
Date & Time: 1 December, 6.30pm – 8pm
Press must register before attending. Please call 020 8904 4222 or email arzu@ihrc.org.Â
IHRC is delighted to announce the opening of a new bookshop, gallery and information hub in London, UK, focusing on Islam and human rights. Â
The range of books will be interdisciplinary, and will include new, used and rare books. There will also be fiction and children’s sections. Â
The gallery space will showcase the work of various artists and artisan work available for purchase in the shop, as well as providing space for exhibitions on themes relevant to IHRC’s field of work. Â
The information hub concept provides those interested in the field of human rights access to pamphlets and various types of expertise in the field of human rights.
The shop has generated much interest and is already receiving messages of support from across the UK and abroad. Some of these testimonials follow at the ends of this press release. Â
Press wishing to attend the event must register in advance by calling 020 8904 4222 or emailing arzu@ihrc.org.
For more information please contact the Press Office on (+44) 20 8904 4222 or (+44) 7958 607475, email: arzu@ihrc.org
Having known the IHRC since several years, I cannot but stress the importance of an organization rooted in the British Muslim community defending human rights for the members of their community as well as for the whole population of their country. The struggle for rights is one.
Michael Warschawski, Alternative Information Center, Jerusalem
During the last decade IHRC has provided invaluable support to many Muslims when they have faced violence, abuse or discrimination. With no sign of a decrease in Islamophobia in Europe IHRC’s work in support of victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes will continue to be vital for the foreseeable future. ‘During the last decade IHRC has provided invaluable support to many Muslims when they have faced violence, abuse or discrimination. With no sign of a decrease in Islamophobia in Europe IHRC’s work in support of victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes will continue to be vital for the foreseeable future.
Dr. Robert Lambert, University of Exeter formerly Detective Inspector Lambert, co-founder Muslim Contact Unit, Metropolitan Police Service
We are living in times that demand the utmost tolerance mutual respect and consideration of the rights and freedoms of others as well as ourselves. The establishment of this service is much needed and welcomed by all those who support human rights and freedom under the law. We cannot allow ignorance, prejudice and intolerance to be the excuse for inhumanity.  This multicultural UK needs organisations like the IHRC to defend rights and support the vulnerable. I wish IHRC the best in its endeavours and congratulate its leadership and supporters on their achievements to date.
Lord Victor Adebowale, United Kingdom
We feel that this location is perfectly situated due to its diverse neighbourhood. This will certainly provide an opportunity for such a gifted organization to provide and accomplish all its lofty goals. This unique location will especially be an opportunity to build bridges and mend rifts amongst our multicultural society that suffers from so much division in these troubled times. May the Almighty grant you success and blessings in your exemplary work. May He bring the ultimate relief with the revelation of His glory throughout the world which will unite the universe in harmonic coexistence in His joyful service. Amen.
Rabbi Yisroel Weiss, Neturei Karta USA
I pray to Almighty G-d to make this latest venture of IHRC as successful as its other work in the promotion of justice and truth for all peoples and against all oppression and injustice.
Rabbi Ahron Cohen, Neturei Karta UK
The Islamic Human Rights Commission in London is opening a bookshop and gallery on Preston Road. The bookshop will sell new, used, rare and popular fiction and non-fiction and will include a section specializing in human rights publications. The gallery will house special and on-going exhibits, as well as crafts and other items for purchase.
I cannot overstate the importance of having such informative materials so readily available to the general public at a time when Islamophobia is so disturbingly on the rise. Anyone familiar with the IHRC’s website, events & activities will realize at once what valuable resources these are for our times. I only wish we could replicate such places across the cities and towns of the United States and elsewhere outside the Islamic world where knowledge, understanding and cross-cultural communication are in such great need.
Jennifer Loewenstein, Associate Director of the Middle East Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin–Madison
The new IHRC’s bookshop, gallery and information centre will provide a valuable and timely resource for everyone who is committed to freedom and justice for all,”
Iqbal Bhana OBE DL
IHRC store bringing together books, both non-fiction and fiction, new and second-hand, on human rights, and on Islam, is an important step in filling the void for many young people who look in bookshops and libraries for books on these subjects, and usually don’t find the good ones. the store will be a magnet for students and, with a wide range of pamphlets also available, will be an excellent and welcome educational resource for many of us.
Victoria Brittain, writer and journalist[ENDS]
The Islamic Human Rights Commission is an NGO in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
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IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
Islamic Human Rights Commission
PO Box 598
United Kingdom
Telephone: (+44) 20 8904 4222
Email: info@ihrc.org
Web: www.ihrc.org
Twitter: @ihrc
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