PRESS RELEASE: UK / London – Anti-Muslim demonstration in Harrow latest in worrying trend of right wing hatred and terror

Islamic Human Rights Commission
11 September 2009
PRESS RELEASE: UK / London – Anti-Muslim demonstration in Harrow latest in worrying trend of right wing hatred and terror
Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) is extremely concerned by the rising wave of right wing activity in the UK, manifesting itself in the last few weeks in anti-Muslim ‘protests’. Today another such event is set to take place outside Harrow Mosque in North West London.
IHRC notes that there has been a deafening silence from mainstream politicians and in particular the Department for Communities and Local Government. It appears the Ministers for DCLG only speak out when it is minority communities who bother them.
Other politicians have spoken to condemn face veils, single sex swimming and segregated weddings. These have been condemned in the name of community cohesion, yet fascist chants of “No more mosques,” and “No Shariah law” brook no such chastisement.
Chair of IHRC, Massoud Shadjareh said today over the impending demonstration at Harrow Mosque:
“This is a ‘Through the Looking Glass’ moment in recent British history, where all meaning is twisted. Currently our political elites deem seating arrangements at a Muslim wedding more nefarious and worthy of condemnation and political debate than the violent rise of fascism on the streets of Britain.
“It is time that those who were elected to represent the country to condemn the extreme right that claims to speak in the name of the British nation.”
IHRC calls on mainstream majority community institutions to tackle this violence and hatred that besmirches its name.
For further comment or more information, please call the Press Office on (+44) 20 8904 4222 or (+44) 7958 522 196 or email info@ihrc.org.[ENDS]
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