Press release – Yemen: IHRC report charges Saudi-led coalition with war crimes

The Saudi led coalition intervention in Yemen is an illegal war that flagrantly violates the prohibition against the use of armed force enshrined in article 2(4) of the UN Convention, according to a new report published by IHRC.
US support for the coalition is also an act of war in contravention of international law.
Despite trying to legitimise the aggression according the principle of self- defence the Saudi-led coalition states and the US cannot rely on Article 51 of the convention. President Hadi is not the legitimate ruler of Yemen and so not in a position to request support from the international community. Nor are Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners at any risk of military action from the Houthis.
The Saudi-led coalition has committed war crimes in Yemen. The coalition forces have done very little to distinguish between military and civilian targets, with the Yemeni civilian population the main victims of this conflict.
The report is clear that all state parties must be held accountable for the human rights violations committed against civilians, in respect of the obligations imposed by the Fourth Geneva Convention and the two Optional Protocols on the conduct of war in a non-international conflict.
Through this war in which thousands have been been killed or wounded and hundreds of thousands displaced, the Yemeni people’s political aspirations have been silenced, as well as their legitimate right to put an end to a dictatorship.
Notes to editors:
The report can be read here: https://ihrc.org.uk/publications/briefings/11476-war-in-yemen
For media enquiries please email nadia@ihrc.org or call 020 8904 4222[Ends]
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IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
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