UK: Thousands March in Support of Palestine
Justice for Palestine Committee
28th September 2008
UK: Thousands March in Support of Palestine
Annual al-Quds Demonstration in London sees greater support
Some 4,000 protestors marched from Marble Arch to Trafalgar Square in support of Palestine today. A rally was held in Trafalgar Square and was addressed by a variety of speakers.
Taji Mustafa of HizbutTahrir, UK, spoke about the necessity for Muslim unity in the face of neo-colonialist attempts to create enmity between Muslim nations.
Les Levidow of campaign group CAMPACC, and Jews Against Zionism, spoke of the attacks on Jewish culture by Zionism, and the need to campaign against Israeli apartheid. He quoted erstwhile members of the struggle in South Africa who have visited Israel-Palestine and commented that the situation of Palestinians is much worse than that experienced by the oppressed under apartheid in South Africa.
Rabbi Ahron Cohen from Neturei Karta, UK emphasised the support of his group for the rights of the Palestinians based on Jewish teaching and lamented Zinist interpretations of Judaism as misleading and false.
Daud Abdullah of the Palestinian Return Centre, drew attention to recent events in Gaza and the West Bank, detailing the humanitarian catastrophe and urging people to support campaigns like the Free Gaza boat sailing.
Journalist and broadcaster Yvonne Ridley, who took part in the first sailing, explained why she was optimistic for the future of the region, praising the victory of Hizbullah in the 2006 war and Hamas.
Massoud Shadjareh of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, concluded the rally. He explained that the genesis of Quds Day was based on the Quranic injunction to support the oppressed whoever they are and whoever oppresses them. He said:
“We support the Palestinians not because they are Muslim, Christian, Jewish or whatever, we support them because they are oppressed and it is our Islamic duty to struggle for the oppressed whoever they are.”
A small counter demonstration comprising of some 50 Zionists, Iranian socialists and Stop Islamification of Europe convened at Piccadilly Circus. Two protestors from the counter demonstration tried to attack pro-Palestinian demonstrators as the march passed by, but were prevented by the police.
For further comment, or pictures of the event for publication, please call the Press Officer on (+44) 7958 522 196[ENDS].
Al-Quds Day 2008 was supported by Crescent International, FOSIS, Friends of Al Aqsa, Friends Of Lebanon, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Innovative Minds, Islamic Centre of England, Islamic Human Rights Commission, MCB, Neturei Karta, Palestine Internationalist, Palestine Return Centre, Respect Party, Stop the War.
IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
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