Zakzaky case adjourned again

The hearing of the case against Sheikh Zakzaky and Mallimah Zeenah has been adjourned again, this time until 8 and 9 March.
IHRC is deeply concerned for the health of both Sheikh, whose health continues to deteriorate, and Mallimah, who tested positive for Covid-19.
IHRC Chair Massoud Shadjareh said:
“It is clear that there is something other than the processes of law at work here. The couple need to be released immediately and these trumped up charges thrown out of court.”
For more information, interviews with one of the legal of team in Nigeria or a member of the Zakzaky family, please call +447958522196.
Notes for Editors:
[1] To arrange an interview with the head of legal team and or a spokesperson from the Zakzaky family please call or WhatsApp (+44) 7958522196.
[2] To read IHRC’s latest submission to the ICC visit here.
[3] Find a case Press Kit here.
[4] Find the IHRC #FreeZakzaky campaign details here.[ENDS]
IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
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