Have you been stopped at an airport under anti-terrorism powers?
Have you been stopped at an airport/port by security staff or police officers?
Have you been stopped at an airport/port by security staff or police officers?
Through extensive surveys with Muslims across the UK , IHRC set out to give voice to the expectations of Muslims and articulate them to the British government.
2008 sees the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the creation of Israel. This conference discusses the conflicting paths of these projects.
Question of Justice is a TV show produced by the Islamic Human Rights Commission for Press TV. The series with the help of expert guests discusses various topics from a human rights perspective.
This conference has been facilitated to provide an opportunity for peoples of many different confessional backgrounds and none to listen to and interrogate some of the ideas of academics and activists who have opposed Zionism and who hail from Jewish backgrounds.
This was an open and robust one day conference discussing the role of faith in liberation struggles.
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