May Allah keep you safe and accept your fast and worship in this blessed month. May Allah accept your fasting and worship during this blessed time.
We have reached the last 10 days of Ramadan which are the days of safety and protection from the Hellfire. In the last ten days we are also encouraged to seek out Laylat al-Qadr (The Night of Destiny) in which our deeds and acts of worship and remembrance of God are an equivalent of a thousand months of worship.
IHRC Bookshop & Gallery are offering 15% discount off all Islamic books. The discount code is RAMADAN25.
Scroll down and see some of the books we have in stock.
Young Heroes, Big Voices: Poems for Palestine Workshop
Join us for an interactive poetry workshop with Anika Wadood, to explore your creativity and emotions through the art of poetry. Every ticket you purchase is more than just entry—it’s hope, support, and solidarity. 100% of proceeds will go directly to our Palestine Appeal, bringing aid to those in need. Learn about IHRC’s Palestine Campaign here. Get your ticket today and stand with us in making a difference.
Anika Wadood is a writer, poet, founder of Resham Collective, and Advocacy and Campaigns fellow at Asylum Reform Initiative. Based in London, she hosts poetry nights, exhibitions, and workshops. In her poetry she explores themes of social injustice and cultural identity through her experiences, while amplifying silenced voices from marginalised communities.
WHEN: Thursday, 10 April, 2025, 12.30pm to 2.30pm BST
WHERE: IHRC Bookshop (202 Preston Road, Wembley, HA9 8PA).
WHO’S INVITED: for ages 7 to 14 (parents are welcome to attend too!)
TICKETS: book here
Things to know:
- Children 6 and under attend for free.
- Parents/guardians MUST book a ticket (donations-based) to help staff manage the number of people in attendance.
- IHRC is a not-for-profit organisation. If you book a donations ticket, your contribution will directly support our campaigns and projects – find out more here.
- Prayer and wudu facilities available.
- Refreshments available.
- This event is in-person only.
- Free parking is available on neighbouring residential roads.
About the event:
In this special poetry workshop, we invite young minds to discover the power of words to share stories of resilience and hope for Palestine. Through poems, storytelling, and creative activities, our special guests will learn about expressing empathy, unity, and compassion; how poetry can be a powerful way to stand in solidarity, share personal feelings, and create change. This workshop is a warm, supportive space for kids to celebrate Palestinian culture, learn about perseverance, and turn their thoughts into meaningful poetry.
Rohingya Refugees Need Our Support
The Rohingya people have endured decades of persecution, violence, and discrimination under successive Myanmar governments. Stripped of citizenship under the 1982 Citizenship Law, they have become one of the world’s largest stateless and oppressed populations. Following the military’s brutal crackdown in August 2017, over a million Rohingya fled to Bangladesh to escape crimes against humanity and possible genocide, facing unimaginable violence, including mass killings, rape, and arson.
In response to the crisis, the IHRC launched a fact-finding mission to document these atrocities and has since committed to supporting the Rohingya with aid and advocating for their human rights. They provide regular, nutritious meals and focus on supporting families who are unable to work due to their refugee status. By delivering aid through schools and refugee camps, the IHRC ensures that the Rohingya can access education and other essential resources.
The IHRC’s efforts also include educational and training programmes that empower the Rohingya to become self-sufficient. Initiatives such as computer coding courses equip them with valuable skills that can help them rebuild their lives and escape poverty. By investing in education and vocational training, the IHRC not only provides immediate relief but also fosters long-term opportunities for employment and personal growth. Please click below to donate and help the Rohingya people.
Author Evening with Ibn Daud: A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine
On May 2014, IHRC hosted an author evening with Ibn Daud to discuss his book, ‘A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine‘, hosted by Talha Ahsan. Please click below for the live recording of the event.
Jamal Parekh Ibn Dawud is a British-Pakistani Muslim, IT consultant and student of knowledge. Inspired by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf’s translation of ‘Purification of the Heart: Signs, Symptoms and Cures of the Spiritual Diseases of the Heart’, Ibn Dawud wrote ‘A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine.’ He would then go on to publish ‘A Handbook of Accepted Prayers.’
Below are books currently available at IHRC Bookshop:
The Qu’ran: A Journey – Kader Abdolah
With his translation of The Qur’an, Kader Abdolah makes the Islamic Holy Book accessible to non-Arabic readers.
His source material was his father’s old Arabic Qur’an.
The Qur’an does not have a strictly logical structure; the 114 suras branch out like trees and with his unique translation, Abdolah guides his reader through the gardens of the Qur’an.
The Qur’an and Its Interpreters Volume 1: Surah 1 & 2 – Mahmoud M. Ayoub
The Qur’an and its Interpreters introduces the Western reader to the Qur’an as Muslims have understood it. The record of the Qur’an in the community as a force shaping the life of Muslims can be most clearly discerned through the vast literature of interpretation known as tafsir. This multivolume work is based on a large number of tafsir sources, representing all the major religious schools and stages of Muslim history for the last one thousand years.
It will cover the entire Qur’an. This first volume consists of an introduction to the science and sources of interpretation of the Qur’an and the first two surahs of the Qur’an. The treatment is comprehensive and thorough. While the work is based entirely on primary sources, this volume includes a substantial bibliography of works on the Qur’an in Western languages. The Qur’an is the word of God as it was revealed to the prophet Muhammad, interiorized by the community, then shaped into an earthly book whose original archetype is with God.
Dr. Ayoub concerns himself not with the history of the Qur’an, but with the way it was collected and fixed into an official codex, the recension of which has voiced the community’s prayers and devotions, set its legal norms and moral standards, and occupied its best minds for more than thirteen hundred years.
Also available at IHRC Bookshop:
The Qur’an and Its Interpreters Volume 2: Surah 3 – Mahmoud M. Ayoub
Al-Mizan: An Exegesis of the Qur’an – Volume 6 – al-‘Allamah as-Sayyid Muhammad Husayn at-Tabataba’i
Al-Mizan is a detailed, logical and reliable exegesis. This volume deals with some verses regarding Jewish and Christian nations and their political conflicts with Muslims and conflicts in their thoughts, some verses regarding Jesus Christ (a), a comprehensive discussion regarding the verse of Mubāhilah and expansive discussions regarding Christianity and its deviations.
Quest for Unity – Imam Achmad Cassiem
The Quest for Unity and other selected works by South African activist and cleric, Imam Achmad Cassiem and published by IHRC Press. Imam Cassiem is a veteran anti-apartheid activist who was imprisoned on Robben Island with Nelson Mandela for two terms, the first of which when he was only seventeen years old. An active member of the Pan African Congress, Cassiem headed Qibla, the Islamic movement that fought apartheid with the many comrades of different movements.
In this collection of key works published toward the end of apartheid, Cassiem uses Islamic teachings and Qur’anic revelation to address both the dismantling of apartheid and the unity of humankind through Muslim solidarity. In Quest for Unity, he criticises the divisions among Muslims, which he believes lead them to align with oppression by neglecting the Qur’anic command for unity. Through this call for unity, Cassiem explores the concept of justice and the establishment of a just social order.
In Ramadhan: The Month of High-Intensity Training, Cassiem emphasises that personal transformation is essential for broader societal change, providing supplications and their meanings to aid in this process. In The Intellectual Roots of the Oppressed: Islam’s Triumph Over Apartheid, he predicts the end of apartheid and presents Islam as the ‘lost property’ of the oppressed, highlighting Islamic justice. He expands on the concept of Ummah in Islam’s Triumph Over Apartheid, positioning the Islamic community at the forefront of global struggles against racism, nationalism, and dehumanisation. Cassiem’s works remain relevant for activists, historians, and those engaged in contemporary liberation movements.
Islamic Life and Thought – Seyyed Hossein Nasr
This collection of essays by one of the best known contemporary Muslim scholars writing in English covers many facets of Islamic life and thought. The author has brought together studies dealing with the practical as well as intellectual aspects of Islam in both their historical and contemporary reality. The contemporary significance of themes such as religion and secularism, the meaning of freedom, and the tradition of Islamic science and philosophy is given particular attention.
Other publications by Seyyed Hossein Nasr include:
A Young Muslim’s Guide to the Modern World – Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Islamic Science: An Illustrated Study – Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Shi’ite Islam – Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i, trans. Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Shi’ite Islam – Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai
The Study Qur’an: A New Translation and Commentary
The Laws of the Heart: An Introduction to the Spiritual Path in Islam – Shaykh Muhammad Emin Er
A book about the spiritual life of a Muslim in accordance with a the Shariah and the Sunnah. This treatise concerns the jurisprudence that governs the subtle world.
It summarises everything that is required by the seeker of the Hereafter. Covering a variety of topics from a scholar who is generally known as being the last great Ottoman scholar.
Also available at IHRC Bookshop is Shaykh Emin Er’s book, The Soul of Islam: Essential Doctrines of Islam. The text demonstrates that the spiritual path entails rigorous observance of the Sunnah and pious adherence to the instructions of the Sharia. It is not merely a book to read, but more accurately a book that guides practice.
Quranic Infographics: A Collection of Illustrations Inspired by the Quran
This book is a collection of illustrations from the verses of the Holy Qur’an. Each illustration contains a message from the Qur’an but delivered through the medium of art. The style of illustration vary on the theme of the topic. It includes isometric designs, art from Ancient Egypt, Mayan civilization, Christian Glass and many more.
Some of the topics covered in the book:
* Three factors of excellence in the Qur’an
* Hijab in the Qur’an
* Paradise & Hell in the Qur’an
* Tolerance in the Qur’an
This book is easy to understand and accessible to people of all communities who want to explore the meaning of the Qur’an through the medium of art.
Created by Mahdi Tabatabaie Yazdi of Salaam Comics.
On the Sociology of Islam – Ali Shariati
Dr Ali Shari’ati (1933-1977) was a teacher, scholar and writer, who had a dynamic influence on the young people of Iran with his classes, discussions, free lectures and articles during the 1960s and 1970’s.
Shari’ati was a sociologist, educated in Mashhad and Paris, as well as a student of history and philosophy. He subjected contemporary society to careful examination, using the terms, experiences and concepts found in Islamic philosophy and culture for his analysis.
He formulated and presented to his students and readers a coherent Islamic world-view and an ideology of social, political and economic change. His views contributed much to the Iranian Islamic revolution. Shari’ati’s works are constantly reprinted and eagerly studied throughout Iran.
This anthology – translated by the esteemed Professor Hamid Algar – presents of his major ideas. In it the reader is introduced to several of his favourite themes: the unity of the universe, the confusion of terms in Marxism and the man of faith as rebel.
Al-Ghazali: Invocations & Supplications – trans. by K. Nakamura
One of the most widely read works of Al-Ghazali. Popular for its comprehensiveness and beauty, as well as its analytical approach that explores psychological and spiritual effects of prayer and celebration of God’s name.
This new fourth edition includes the invocations and supplications in Arabic for those readers who would like to use them in their prayers and a translation of Imam Ghazali’s own Introduction to the Revival of the Religious Sciences.
This gives the reasons that caused him to write the work, the structure of the whole of the Revival, and places each of the chapters in the context of the others.
Other Ghazalian literature available at IHRC:
Al-Ghazali: On the Manners Relating to Eating – trans. by Denys Johnson-Davies
Al-Ghazali: On Patience and Thankfulness – trans. by H.T Littlejohn
Al-Ghazali: On Disciplining the Soul & Breaking the Two Desires – trans. by T.J Winter
Al-Ghazali: On the Lawful & the Unlawful – trans. Yusuf T. Delorenzo
Al-Ghazali: On Condemnation of Pride and Self-Admiration – trans. by Mohammed Rustom
Al-Ghazali: On Poverty & Abstinence – trans. by Anthony F. Shaker
Al-Ghazali: On Intention, Sincerity & Truthfulness – trans. by Anthony F. Shaker
Al-Ghazali: On Vigilance & Self-Examination – trans. Anthony F. Shaker
Al-Ghazali: The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife – trans. T.J Winter
Wonders of the Heart – Al-Ghazali (Author), Walter James Skeille (Translator)
The Mysteries of Purification: Book 3 of The Revival of the Religious Sciences – Al-Ghazali
The Book of the Lawful and the Unlawful – Al-Ghazali
The Message from on High – Al-Ghazali
Knowledge of the Hereafter: Durrah al-Fakhirah – Al-Ghazali
The Secrets of Pilgrimage: Kitab Asrar al-Hajj – Al-Ghazali
Fear and Hope – Al Ghazali (Author), William Mckane (Author)
Al-Ghazali and Academic Excellence: The Art of Soul-Based Learning – Muhammad Hasanul Arifin Zawawi
Music and Singing – Al-Ghazali (Author), Duncan Black Macdonald (Translator)
The Incoherence of the Philosophers – Al-Ghazali
Deliverance from Error and the Beginning of Guidance – Al-Ghazali
Dear Beloved Son – Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
Ghazali and Prayer – Kojiro Nakamura
The Jewels of the Qur’an; Al-Ghazali’s Theory – Muhammad Abul Quasem