Islamic Human Rights Commission
REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES IN Zanzibar AND Mauritius Launched today.
30th May 2001
IHRC will be launching its latest two reports:
‘Suppressing Dissent: The Crackdown on Muslims in Zanzibar’
‘Equal in the Eyes of Law: Police Brutality and the Abuse of Human Rights in Mauritius’
tonight at 6 p.m. at 140 Maida Vale, London, W9
If you would like to attend or require further information, press releases, report summaries or copies of reports please call us on (+44) 20 8902 0888 or (+44) 958 522 196 or e-mail us on info@ihrc.org
The agenda of the programme follows:
6:00 pm Registration & Refreshments
6:25 pm Recitation & Translation of the Qur’an
6:40 pm Introduction by Chair of Programme
6:45 pm Overview of IHRC work
6:50 pm Suppressing Dissent in Zanzibar
7:00 pm Police Brutality in Mauritius
7:10 pm Questions
7:30 pm Close of Programme