Reports and Books

Addendum Report on Human Rights Violations in Mauritius

Supplemental Report on the Trial of Cehel Meeah, Prisoner of Faith, subsequent to the visit of IHRC observers Osama Daneshyar and Faisal Bodi. Download the report here. This report follows on the report by IHRC observer Osama Daneshyar entitled, ‘Equal in the Eyes of the

The Hidden Victims of September 11: Prisoners of UK Law

Sultana Tafadar overviews the use of anti-terrorist and other legislation against British Muslims in the last year.  Victims of the anti-terrorism regime numbered in their thousands. Download the report here. This report seeks to provide a brief overview of what has taken place since September

Islamophobia – The New Crusade

Arzu Merali & Massoud Shadjareh overview the rise in the phenomenon from international politics to schools and universities. It questions liberal society’s ability to get beyond its prejudices. Based on a presentation at the ‘Islamophobia Workshop’ at the ‘Justice or Just Us Conference’, 11th May

Shades of Injustice: Travails of Muslim Activists in Nigeria

Dr. Shu’aibu Musa recounts the history of the Muslim struggle against Sani Abacha’s regime in Nigeria. Download the report here. This paper was presented at the Prisoners of Faith Conference in February 2002. It is with some trepidation that I stand before distinguished scholars and activists

Prisoners of Conscience and the Terror of Anti-Terrorism

Imam Achmad Cassiem views the history and contribution of Muslim prisoners of faith to the anti-apartheid struggle, and draws lessons for Muslims today combating injustice. With reference to the discourse and narratives of anti-terrorism in both instances. Download the report here. This paper was presented at