Reports and Books

9/11: Coping with the Anti-Muslim Backlash in the UK

Omar Williams looks at the experiences of Muslims in the month following 9/11, and overviews the communities’ reactions. This presentation also identifies good practice on the part of service providers, local authorities etc. Download the report here. Transcript of presentation at IHRC’s seminar, ‘Human Rights,

9/11: International and Islamic Concepts of Justice

M.S. Bahmanpour addresses international and Islamic concepts of justice in the light of current affairs. This is a paper presented at the IHRC seminar, ‘Human Rights, Justice and Muslims in the Wake of September 11′ held at SOAS’ Brunei Gallery, in October 2001. Download the

9/11: The Targeting of Muslim Women

Fareena Alam, news editor and Muslim activist outlines the nature of anti-Muslim women attacks and ways forward for the Muslim community to break out of the cycle of demonisation and backlash.

UK Today: The Anti-Muslim Backlash in the Wake of September 11, 2001

An overview of the number and nature of anti-Muslim incidents since September 11, 2001. IHRC collated the reports of Islamophobic incidents it received in the wake of 9-11 in this report. Anti-Muslim attacks spiked immediately after the event. Download the report here. This is a

Islamophobia and Gender Discrimination: The Case of the Media

Two South African journalists, Nurah Tape and Iman Rappetti, moot the problems of Islamophobic stereotyping and gender discrimination for Muslim women in the media, and suggest ways forward.  Prepared for IHRC to present at the NGO Forum at the Fourth World Conference Against Racism in