Reports and Books

Human Rights Violations in Nigeria 1997 – 1998

An overview of the number and nature of atrocities committed by the Abacha and subsequent junta against the Muslim Brothers in Nigeria between April 1997 – September 1998. Read the report here. The Islamic Human Rights Commission has continued to research the deteriorating human rights

Eurocentrism and Islamophobia

Saied Reza Ameli charts the history and origins of Islamophobia and its prevalence in academia. Download the report here. Eurocentrism has formed the basis for a trend of thought that believes that human civilization is fundamentally built upon the domain of Rome, Paris and Athens,

Islamophobia and the European Convention on Human Rights

A look at the problematique of  ECHR from a Muslim perspective. Download the report here. On October 11, 1997, Prime Minister Tony Blair announced that the U.K. would adopt the European Commission on Human Rights (ECHR) into its domestic laws. For Muslims, this would mean

The World’s Women According to the UN

Arzu Merali provides a brief critique of UN literature compiled for the Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing, China, September 1995, based on a review of some of the agency literature she found there. Download the report here. The report gives examples of

Human Rights Violations in Nigeria

An outline of the nature and number of atrocities committed by the Abacha regime against the Muslim Brothers in Nigeria. Download the report here. The Islamic Human Rights Commission has been researching the deteriorating human rights situation in Nigeria, particularly over the last year. This