rohingya Campaign

The UN has described the Rohingya as the world's most persecuted minority.

Find more information about this campaign below.

Background information

The Rohingya are a distinct ethnic group, mostly Muslim, who have lived for centuries in the majority Buddhist Myanmar.

In 2017, the Myanmar government initiated a bloody campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya involving mass killings and systematic rape, forcing some 750,000 across the border into Bangladesh, already home to 300,000-500,000 refugees.

In 2018, based on evidence compiled from refugees who had escaped the pogrom, IHRC published a report which we submitted to the International Criminal Court, accusing Myanmar of the crime of genocide.

In 2019 the International Criminal Court (ICC) began an investigation into Myanmar’s forced deportation of Rohingya and related crimes against humanity.

In January 2020 the International Court of Justice (ICJ) imposed provisional measures on Myanmar to prevent genocide while it adjudicates alleged violations of the Genocide Convention. Myanmar has failed to comply with these measures and has also refused to allow the United Nations to investigate grave crimes inside the country.

IHRC also raises funds to help Rohingya refugees.

Your support helps our campaign

To donate to this campaign please click here and choose activism. To donate to the IHRC Trust’s Appeal that provides humanitarian aid to the Rohingya choose Charity.

Key facts & figures

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There are now nearly twice as many Rohingya living as refugees (1.1million) than remaining in Myanmar.

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Although their presence stretches back to at least 12th century, the Rohingya are not recognised as Myanmar nationals.


Under the law, their rights to study, work, travel, marry, have children, practice their religion and access health services are restricted.


In the 2017 pogrom, Myanmar armed forces destroyed nearly 400 villages inhabited by the Rohingya.

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