Search Results for: islamophobia – Page 40

Labour MP should apologise for request to remove Palestine flag

IHRC is demanding that a Labour MP apologise for asking it to remove Palestine flags from its shop front in north London. Barry Gardiner, the MP for Brent North, marched into the headquarters of IHRC in Wembley last week, demanding that the organisation remove Palestine

Al-Quds Day rally to attract thousands from across UK

Thousands of protestors are expected to turn out in London this weekend to protest the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestine. The annual Al-Quds Day rally looks set to take place as one of the most extremist governments ever seen in Israel wages a largely unreported

Al-Quds Day rally to draw thousands from across UK

Thousands of protestors are expected to turn out in London this weekend to protest the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestine. The annual Al-Quds Day rally looks set to take place as one of the most extremist governments ever seen in Israel wages a largely unreported

Defenders of Islam, Muslims and others

Home Islamic Human Rights Commission Defenders of Islam, Muslims and others IHRC was set up 26 years ago inspired by the exhortation in the Holy Quran to defend Islam and Muslims: “And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of

Muslims, Roe and Wade: Time to Rediscover Ways of Thinking Islam

The furore created by the reversing of Roe v. Wade was a US specific debate.  Takings sides, as many Muslims did, has resulted in an obscuring of Islam and the loss of the chance to set an Islamic agenda argues Nargess Moballeghi. Overview The divisive

Muslim Skeptics in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

Omar Hijazi argues that the often sectarianized lens of the Muslim blogosphere is finding its authors and activists in strange harmony with the discourse of the Islamophobic West. In September 2022, popular Muslim website called the Muslim Skeptic published a long rant camouflaged as analysis

Road to Ramadan

There are a number announcements that we would like to share with you. Author Evening with Shahd Alshammari – Head Above Water Head Above Water takes us into a space of intimate conversations on illness and society’s stigmatization of disabled bodies. We are invited in to

Combat Attack On Muslim Children’s Education in Sweden

Background The current Right-Wing coalition ruling Sweden, elected in 2018, has now closed 17 out of the 19 Islamic schools in the country. This vicious attack on Islam is part of a growing trend of Anti-Muslim hate across the continent and around the World. Among

The Shrinking Space for Dissent in Neoliberal Britain

The process of depoliticising Muslims has now been rolled out to the wider UK population, argues Afroze F. Zaidi. Whilst different sections of wider society are pitted against each other by government narratives that stigmatise, divide and rule, Zaidi argues that enough space still exists