Search Results for: islamophobia – Page 5

The scourge of Islamophobia

In the space of just a couple of decades Islamophobia has become the bane of western societies. In Britain, its incidence has soared as it has become embedded in the very core of our institutions. Maz Saleem analyses the pervasiveness of this more acceptable face


On Islamophobia, Britishness and the shrinking political space

Islamophobia has always needed to be understood as part of the deeper crisis of the political and social culture we live in, argues Arzu Merali. I have been swotting up on Jerusalem for my youngest’s A-Levels this month. I would rather abstractly debate whether the

Islamophobia is the ‘new anti-Semitism’

With the emergence of Israel as a western client state, the age-old prejudice against Jews was replaced by a corresponding hatred of Arabs that has fed the rampant Islamophobia we see today, explains Robert Inlakesh. The current climate of widespread Islamophobia in the ‘Western World’,


Key Islamophobia publication to be discussed in author evening

The co-editor of an encyclopaedic volume on Islamophobia will be at IHRC next week to discuss her book. Islamophobic hate crimes have increased significantly following the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and 7/7. More recently, the rhetoric surrounding Trump’s election and presidency, Brexit, the rise of


Key Islamophobia publication to be discussed in author evening

The co-editor of an encyclopaedic volume on Islamophobia will be at IHRC next week to discuss her book. Islamophobic hate crimes have increased significantly following the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and 7/7. More recently, the rhetoric surrounding Trump’s election and presidency, Brexit, the rise of