Search Results for: zakzaky – Page 54

Success Stories

Success Stories Thursday, 3 June 2021 Latest “,”nextArrow”:”“,”autoplay”:true,”autoplaySpeed”:5000}’ dir=”ltr” data-typing=”1″> Alert: How to support oppressed Palestinians EMERGENCY PROTEST: Justice for Palestine Urgent Appeal For Gaza Decolonial Dialogues 18: The demise of the state of Israel UK Demo – Palestine Will Be Free The following outlines

Current Volunteer Opportunities

[vc_row][vc_column][td_block_homepage_full_1 post_ids=”16435″ installed_post_types=”page”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Please make sure you read the notes in Volunteering for IHRC before applying for any of these positions. IHRC is currently looking for: Zakzaky and Nigeria Campaign volunteers IHRC is looking for volunteers to help on this campaign – those who are


Nigeria Digest # 24

Below please find an update on daily sit out and protests by coalition groups in Abuja and update on ICC preliminary investigation to prosecute Nigerian officials involved in the December 2015 massacre of the members of Islamic Movements of Nigeria.


Nigeria Digest # 23

Update on last week events including the daily sit outs and protests in Abuja, killing of senior movement scholar Sheikh Qaseem Umar by Nigerian Police and Abuja court decision to dismiss cases against movement members arrested during last month’s peaceful FreeZakzaky processions.


Nigeria Digest # 22

Update on continuous peaceful protests and sit outs in Abuja and the renewed efforts of Nigerian authorities to label the Islamic Movement of Nigeria as violent and terrorist in a bid to swing public opinion and restrain the growing momentum of the peaceful #FreeZakzaky campaign.


Nigeria Digest # 21

Update on last week events including protests and daily sit out in Abuja and Nigerian Govt’s attempts to legitimise unconstitutional detention of Sheikh Zakzaky.


Nigeria Digest # 20

Update on continuous regular protests and daily Free Zakzaky Sit Out in the capital Abuja and World wide prayers for the leader of Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Zakzaky.