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IHRC calls for immediate release of Tunisian opposition leader

IHRC is calling on the Tunisian government to free the detained leader of the Islamist opposition party Rachid Ghannouchi who was arrested on Monday as part of a continuing crackdown on opposition groups. About 100 plain clothes policemen burst into Ghannouchi’s home on the 27th

Labour MP asked to apologise for request to remove Palestine flag

IHRC is demanding that a Labour MP apologise for asking it to remove Palestine flags from its shop front in north London. Barry Gardiner, the MP for Brent North, marched into the headquarters of IHRC in Wembley last week, demanding that the organisation remove Palestine

Record numbers turn out for London Al-Quds Day rally

15,000 protestors converge on London from all over the UK in support of Palestine The 2023 Al-Quds Day March and Rally took place on Sunday 16 April 2023.  Record numbers attended the annual event.  Protestors congregated at the Home Office before marching to Downing Street,

Al-Quds Day rally to attract thousands from across UK

Thousands of protestors are expected to turn out in London this weekend to protest the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestine. The annual Al-Quds Day rally looks set to take place as one of the most extremist governments ever seen in Israel wages a largely unreported

Response to Jewish Chronicle request for information

The following is IHRC’s response in full to a request by the Jewish Chronicle for information following the decision of the Charity Commission to issue an official warning to IHRC Trust for minor administrative breaches after a complaint by UK Lawyers for Israel:   “This