PRESS RELEASE: UK EVENT – Quotes – Genocide Memorial Day on 22 January at SOAS, London
Embargoed until 21 January 2012 23:59 GMT.
Embargoed until 21 January 2012 23:59 GMT.
IHRC condemns PM David Cameron’s trip to “broaden and deepen” the UK-Saudi relationship in light of escalation of gross human rights abuses.
IHRC will be commemorating Genocide Memorial Day at the Brunei Gallery, SOAS.
Cageprisoners condemns the decision of the CPS to prosecute Ahmed Faraz for selling books, as a result of which he has now been convicted.
CCiF asks, but, for how long?
Muslim women to be banned from wearing headscarf in nurseries and leisure industry
Response to US bill proposing to legalise indefinite military detention without charge or trial inside the US and around the globe
The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) is convening a press conference 23 November to give representatives of the Bahraini people based in London a chance to respond to the publication of BICI’s report.
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