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Islamophobia Conference 2022: Is Islamophobia a symptom of western decline?

The conference can we watched online  If you want to send questions please watch and interact on The treatment of Muslims by several western countries has not only exposed the hypocrisy of societies that purportedly champion universal values but may even signal the

IHRC condemns sacking of Muslim NUS president

The National Union of Students’ (NUS) dismissal of its Arab/Muslim president exposes the routine denial of space in the political system to critics of Israel. Shaima Dallali was removed from the post to which she was elected in March this year after a witchhunt by

IHRC demands answers over police failures at anti-Iran protest

IHRC has written to the head of London’s Metropolitan Police and the city’s mayor demanding answers for the pitiful police response to an orgy of Islamophobic violence unleashed by anti-Iran protestors in London last month. Hundreds of opponents of the Iranian government descended on sites

New report highlights role of state in disseminating Islamophobia

IHRC will launch a new Spinwatch report tomorrow exposing the role of state entities in Europe in spreading Islamophobia. The report offers an analysis of the role and significance of the news media in disseminating anti-Muslim sentiment, detailing the political networks of which these organisations

Mail on Sunday Emails and Comment: Rushdie and Islamophobia

An article that misrepresents IHRC was published on 21 August 2022 by the Mail on Sunday based in the UK.  We attach for download and screenshot below, the correspondence between the IHRC Press Office and Max Aitchison who wrote the piece. As the correspondence outlines

Alert: UN Should Not Coverup Conditions Of Rohingya In Bangladesh

Background Action required Model Template Recipient contact information   Background The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, is visiting the Rohingya refugee camp in Cox’s Bazaar to assess the refugees’ conditions. She arrived on the 14th of August and will remain until the

Stop the Repression of Journalism in Kashmir

Background Action required Template Letter Recipients Address   Background The horrors of the Indian Hindutva regime in occupied Jammu and Kashmir have raged on since the revoking of Article 370, which had given Kashmir special status. The extent of the absolute brutality displayed has been