PRESS RELEASE: UK – Invitation to Press Conference by Lord Avebury
Bahrain, the Saudi intervention and the suppression of the revolution is the topic of this Press Conference.
Bahrain, the Saudi intervention and the suppression of the revolution is the topic of this Press Conference.
00:51 GMT IHRC is deeply disturbed by reports from BCHR[1] that their President, Nabeel Rajab has been arrested in the last hour.
British foreign policy is more reminiscent of the Big Bad Wolf than it is of Little Red Hiding Hood’s grandma that David Cameron has so cunningly tried to dress it up as.
The upsurge in violence against Bahraini protestors within 24 hours of the departure of US Defense Secretary Robert Gates is indicative of the green light given by Washington to this bloody crackdown.
IHRC is delighted to hear about the imminent release of Khairat Al-Shater, Deputy Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, after serving 4 years of a 7 year sentence. His release was authorised by the Supreme Council of Armed Forces this afternoon.
PRESS RELEASE: Libya – US / UK / European interference not welcomed by protestors
IHRC opposes military intervention in Libya by ‘West’
Mubarak regime prisoners given preferential treatment, while political prisoners languish under further restrictions.
Lord Avebury, the Vice-Chairman of the Parliamentary HR Group Cordially invites you to a Press Conference: Bahrain’s revolution for change.
+44 208 904 4222
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