PRESS RELEASE: Switzerland – Ban on Minarets: legitimising Anti-Muslim Sentiment in Europe
The Swiss referendum to vote on a ban on Minarets is the latest indicator of the rising Anti-Muslim sentiment in Europe.
The Swiss referendum to vote on a ban on Minarets is the latest indicator of the rising Anti-Muslim sentiment in Europe.
IHRC shares the widespread concern that the encouragement of police officers to collect DNA samples would create a surveillance society.
The human right framework in Iraq is undermined not only by weak adherence to international human rights obligations but also Iraq’s criminal justice process fails to meet the most basic standards of fairness and prisoners’ rights.
In this submission the Islamic Human Rights Commission raises concern in relation to the right to freedom of expression and freedom of religion in China.
IHRC monitored the verdict hearing of 19 young men held on 13th October 2009. The report highlights the observations and conclusions by an IHRC observer on the trial.
Saudi forces allegedly using phosphorus bombs in civilian areas.
“We hope that the case of Marwa will alert Europe to the growing threat of Islamophobia.” Massoud Shadjareh
Islamic Human Rights Commission applauds the decision by the Italian judge to convict 23 former CIA agent.
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