PRESS RELEASE: Regional / OSCE – New Briefing – Intervention on Media Freedom
Islamic Human Rights Commission made an oral intervention in the 12th working session of the OSCE HDIM today in Warsaw, Poland.
Islamic Human Rights Commission made an oral intervention in the 12th working session of the OSCE HDIM today in Warsaw, Poland.
Islamic Human Rights Commission has submitted recommendations at the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw, Poland, today.
Islamic Human Rights Commission is deeply concerned about the strategy to export a British government defined brand of Islam to Pakistan.
Israel and its leadership have a kind of super impunity that they enjoy which allows them to violate all international standards and laws which they wish to violate.
Approximately 630 Afghans and other foreign nationals including 9 juveniles are imprisoned without charge by the US government at the Bargram prison which clearly shows that US military airbase in Afghanistan is outside the protection of international human rights law.
Further to today’s attack by police on the pro-Palestine demonstration Al-Quds Day in Zaria, more mobile police units have been moved into Zaria, Kaduna State, northern Nigeria.
 Reports have been received by IHRC that mobile police units in Zaria have fired on the annual Al-Quds Day march in Zaria, Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria.
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