PRESS RELEASE: UK – IHRC welcomes not guilty verdict for three 7/7 suspects
The Islamic Human Rights Commission welcomes today’s not guilty verdict of the three accused of conspiring with the bombers carrying out the London 7/7 atrocities.
The Islamic Human Rights Commission welcomes today’s not guilty verdict of the three accused of conspiring with the bombers carrying out the London 7/7 atrocities.
Israeli Ministry urges expansion of settlements
Mousavi has been effectively branded by the government and prison system as a terrorist, in spite of him never being formally charged with or convicted of any terrorism-related offences.
An independent fact finding mission conducted by Israeli and Palestinian medical human rights groups unravels Israeli atrocities in Gaza.
IHRC’s latest publication articulates the religious challenge to oppression and injustice in the context of the Palestinian struggle for justice.
IHRC wrote to Gordon Brown expressing “grave concern and disappointment” over Hazel Blears’ letter and ultimatum to the MCB calling for the resignation of Daud Abdullah.
IHRC condemns the latest government anti-terror proposals, entitled Contest 2, as a dangerous experiment in social engineering.
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